Course Description: Chumash Bamidbar Part 2

Course Description: Chumash Bamidbar Part 2

Course Name: Chumash Bamidbar Part 2
Teacher: Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Text Studied: Sefer Bamidbar, Chapters 12-20
For Grades: 5-8
General Course Description:
Sefer Bamidbar chronicles the counting of the Jewish people, as they make the slow transition from a nation of slaves to an army capable of conquering the Holy Land.

This course covers:

  • The punishment of the rabble-rousers
  • Miriam’s lashon hara and punishment
  • The meraglim, their sin and the punishment of the Jewish peole
  • The mitzvah of tzitzit
  • Korach’s uprising and punishment
  • The well of Miriam and her death
  • Moshe hits the rock

The student will learn the following during this text-based course:

  • How to read and translate the text of the Torah
  • How to divide up pesukim in order to better understand the chumash
  • How to recognize and decode verbs in the chumash and identify shorashim (roots)
  • Understanding selected comments of Rashi, Midrash and selected mefarshim
  • How to identify key words (milah manchah) that repeat in the text and understand their importance

The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge

  • What caused the nation to believe the spies’ wicked report?
  • What are the forces that lead to challenging of leadership?
  • Lashon hara: About Moshe, about the Land of Israel: Why do we do it, and what’s so terrible about it?
  • Why did Hashem prevent Moshe from entering Eretz Yisrael?

Number of lessons: 20
Sample Lesson: To view a sample lesson click here

Chumash Bamidbar Part 1 Sample Lesson

Below you’ll find a sample of the seventh lesson in the Chumash Bamidbar Part 1 course. In this lesson students learn about the three different camps that the Jewish people organized into in the Midbar.

Chumash Shemot Part 1 Lesson 7 – The Three Camps

Course Description: Chumash Bamidbar Part 1

Course Description: Chumash Bamidbar Part 1

Course Name: Chumash Bamidbar Part 1
Teacher: Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Text Studied: Sefer Bamidbar, Chapters 1-11
For Grades: 5-8

Number of lessons: 20
General Course Description:
Sefer Bamidbar chronicles the counting of the Jewish people, as they make the slow transition from a nation of slaves to an army capable of conquering the Holy Land.

This course covers:

  • The counting of the Jewish people
  • The structure of the camp in the Midbar
  • The Levi’im, their camp, counting and swapping for the first-born
  • The Nazir
  • Birkat Kohanim
  • The Gifts of the Nesi’im
  • Travels in the desert
  • Moshe and Chovav
  • Signs of trouble – the complainers and the Asafsuf

The student will learn the following during this text-based course:

  • How to read and translate the text of the Torah
  • How to divide up pesukim in order to better understand the chumash
  • How to recognize and decode verbs in the chumash and identify shorashim (roots)
  • Understanding selected comments of Rashi, Midrash and selected mefarshim
  • How to identify key words (milah manchah) that repeat in the text and understand their importance

The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge

  • What was the purpose of dividing the Jewish people into camps?
  • How long should it have taken the Jewish people to reach the Land of Israel?
  • Why would a person become a Nazir? What are the drawbacks?
  • What caused the Jewish people to question Moshe’s leadership?

Sample Lesson: To view a sample lesson click here

Home-based Learning Plans for the 2023-2024 School Year

Choose the plan that fits your child’s needs and learning style.

In the “Chumash and Navi” plan, students will study Chumash Bereishit and Navi Shoftim and meet for a weekly Zoom on Sunday’s at 12:00pm EST. This plan is appropriate for children in grades 5-8.

In the “Mishnah and Gemara” plan, students will study Mishnah Rosh Hashanah and Gemara Pesachim. These subjects are more advanced, and most appropriate for children in grades 7-8.

Cost: Each plan costs $119/month per child, giving Jewish families around the world meaningful Jewish learning at an affordable price.

Chumash Shemot 1 Course Description

Course Description: Chumash Shemot Part 1

Course Name: Chumash Shemot
Teacher: Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Text Studied: Sefer Shemot, Chapters 1-9
For Grades: 5-8
General Course Description:
Sefer Shemot is the story of the birth of the Jewish nation. The Jewish people transform from a tiny family to a huge nation, and suffer through centuries of slavery before Hashem chooses Moshe to free them from Par’oh and the Egyptians.

This course covers the enslavement of the Jewish people in Egypt, the birth of Moshe, his flight to Midyan, and his encounter with Hashem at the burning bush. It also covers Moshe’s return to Egypt, the initial failure to free the people, and the first series of the Ten Plagues.

We will learn the structure of the first half of the Sefer

The student will learn the following skills during this course: 

  • How to read and translate the text of the Torah
  • How to divide up pesukim in order to better understand the chumash
  • How to recognize and decode verbs in the chumash and identify shorashim (roots)
  • Understanding selected comments of Rashi, Midrash and selected mefarshim
  • How to identify key words (milah manchah) that repeat in the text and understand their importance

The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge

  • The early history of the Jewish people as described in the Torah
  • Why was Moshe chosen as the leader of the Bnei Yisrael? What were some of his important qualities?
  • What was the purpose of Yetziat Mitzrayim? Why did Hashem free the Jewish people?
  • The struggle between Moshe and Par’oh

Number of lessons: 20
Sample Lesson: To view a sample lesson click here

Kitah Featured in EJewish Philanthropy

Kitah is a feature article in today’s eJewishPhilanthropy newsletter. We were featured along with the Gesher homeschooling program.

Thanks so much to Daniela Cohen for her thought-provoking question, and the Kitah parent Suri Kinzbrunner and teacher Rabbi Gavi Ziegler who generously gave of their time to speak about their Kitah experiences.If you’re looking for meaningful learning next year for your child (or know a family that’s looking), reach out to see if Kitah is right for you!

Navi Shmuel 1 Course Description

Course Description: The Road to King: Navi Shmuel 1

Course Name: The Road to Kingship
Teacher: Mrs. Ariella Nadel
Text Studied: Sefer Shmuel Aleph, Chapters 1-15
For Grades: 5-8
Number of lessons: 20
General Course Description:
In this course, students will learn the chapters of Shmuel Alef from the birth of the prophet Shmuel through the rise of David as future king . We will learn about the process through which the tribes of Israel became a unified nation under a single king.

Our studies will be centered around the main characters of our Sefer: Shmuel, Shaul and David and how their actions impacted the character of our nation. 

Students will learn about the criterion guiding the inclusion of a story in TaNakh, Nevuah SheHutzrecha L’Dorot (a story with an eternal message). They will learn how to reflect on each story we learn through the lens of those words -reflecting on how the lessons imparted by these stories were both relevant to the time of Navi and their lives today.    

Students will grow more comfortable reading text in the original Hebrew,  and navigating through the pesukim and chapters of TaNakh.

Students will learn the following skills during this course: 

  • Text reading and comprehension
  • A comfort navigating through the pesukim and Chapters of TaNakh. 
  • Identification of key shorashim and their translations
  • Quoting from the text to support themes and opinions

In this course, we’ll see many different maps to learn about areas mentioned in the Navi

Students will learn the following Judaic knowledge: 

  • They will become familiar with some of the most famous stories and characters in TaNakh.
  • They will have an opportunity to discuss some of the fundamental concepts of Judaism: such as prayer, sacrifice, holiness, prophecy, the nature of miracles and the character of a Jewish king.
  • They will learn to  make the connection between modern day Israel and the stories and characters present in our Sefer.

The text of the Navi is punctuated and organized for easy comprehension

Students will learn come to understand: 

  • The eternal relevance of the stories of TaNakh and how its stories and heroes have guided us throughout our history.

Sample Lesson: You can progress through the lesson to get a sense of how we present and organize Kitah materials. To access the sample lesson click here.