Course Description: Chumash Bamidbar Part 1
Course Name: Chumash Bamidbar Part 1
Teacher: Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Text Studied: Sefer Bamidbar, Chapters 1-11
For Grades: 5-8
Number of lessons: 20
General Course Description:
Sefer Bamidbar chronicles the counting of the Jewish people, as they make the slow transition from a nation of slaves to an army capable of conquering the Holy Land.
This course covers:
- The counting of the Jewish people
- The structure of the camp in the Midbar
- The Levi’im, their camp, counting and swapping for the first-born
- The Nazir
- Birkat Kohanim
- The Gifts of the Nesi’im
- Travels in the desert
- Moshe and Chovav
- Signs of trouble – the complainers and the Asafsuf
The student will learn the following during this text-based course:
- How to read and translate the text of the Torah
- How to divide up pesukim in order to better understand the chumash
- How to recognize and decode verbs in the chumash and identify shorashim (roots)
- Understanding selected comments of Rashi, Midrash and selected mefarshim
- How to identify key words (milah manchah) that repeat in the text and understand their importance
The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge:
- What was the purpose of dividing the Jewish people into camps?
- How long should it have taken the Jewish people to reach the Land of Israel?
- Why would a person become a Nazir? What are the drawbacks?
- What caused the Jewish people to question Moshe’s leadership?
Sample Lesson: To view a sample lesson click here