Choose the plan that fits your child’s needs and learning style.
In the “Chumash and Navi” plan, students will study Chumash Bereishit and Navi Shoftim and meet for a weekly Zoom on Sunday’s at 12:00pm EST. This plan is appropriate for children in grades 5-8.
In the “Mishnah and Gemara” plan, students will study Mishnah Rosh Hashanah and Gemara Pesachim. These subjects are more advanced, and most appropriate for children in grades 7-8.
Cost: Each plan costs $119/month per child, giving Jewish families around the world meaningful Jewish learning at an affordable price.

From who are you accredited through?
Hi Monica,
I am happy to let you know that we have just formed an association with the Herzog College of Education in Jerusalem (where I also work).