Course Description: Shemot Part 3: From Yam Suf to Sinai

Course Name: The Journey from Egypt
Course Teacher: Rabbi Johnny Solomon
Course Details: Sefer: Shemot
Part 3 (Parshat Beshalach)
Chapters & Verses: Ch. 15:22-16:26
For Grades: 6-8
General Course Description: In this course, students will learn about the fascinating journey of Am Yisrael from Yam Suf to Marah, Elim & Sin.
The student will learn the following skills during this course:
- How to read and translate biblical texts
- How to pay attention to grammatical inconsistences
- How to identifying key words in a verse
- How to compare two similar biblical texts
- How to identify key words (milot manchot) in a verse
- How to read and interpret Rashi’s commentary
The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge:
- The events that occurred from Yam Suf to Marah as described in the Torah
- The rabbinic interpretation why Bnei Yisrael were reluctant to leave Yam Suf
- The events that occurred in Marah as described in the Torah
- Rabbinic interpretations about the events that occurred in Marah
- The events that occurred in Elim as described in the Torah
- Rabbinic interpretations about the events that occurred in Elim
- The events that occurred in Sin as described in the Torah
- Rabbinic interpretations about the events that occurred in Sin
The student will understand:
- How Bnei Yisrael felt when they left Yam Suf
- How Bnei Yisrael felt when they arrived at Marah
- Why it was important for Bnei Yisrael to be tested at Marah
- Why it was important for Bnei Yisrael to be given mitzvot at Marah
- The biblical significance of the numbers 12 and 70 as reflected in the bounty of Elim
- The significance of the Manna
Number of lessons: 20
Detailed Lesson Plans: A detailed lesson plan list is coming soon
Sample Lesson:
We are excited to present a sample of the first lesson in Chumash Shemot. You can progress through the lesson to get a sense of how we present and organize Kitah materials. To access the sample lesson click here.