Chumash Shemot Course Description

Course Description: Shemot Part 3: From Yam Suf to Sinai

Course Name: The Journey from Egypt
Course Teacher: Rabbi Johnny Solomon
Course Details: Sefer: Shemot
Part 3 (Parshat Beshalach)
Chapters & Verses: Ch. 15:22-16:26
For Grades: 6-8
General Course Description: In this course, students will learn about the fascinating journey of Am Yisrael from Yam Suf to Marah, Elim & Sin.

The student will learn the following skills during this course: 

  • How to read and translate biblical texts
  • How to pay attention to grammatical inconsistences
  • How to identifying key words in a verse
  • How to compare two similar biblical texts 
  • How to identify key words (milot manchot) in a verse
  • How to read and interpret Rashi’s commentary

The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge

  • The events that occurred from Yam Suf to Marah as described in the Torah
  • The rabbinic interpretation why Bnei Yisrael were reluctant to leave Yam Suf
  • The events that occurred in Marah as described in the Torah
  • Rabbinic interpretations about the events that occurred in Marah
  • The events that occurred in Elim as described in the Torah
  • Rabbinic interpretations about the events that occurred in Elim
  • The events that occurred in Sin as described in the Torah
  • Rabbinic interpretations about the events that occurred in Sin

The student will understand:

  • How Bnei Yisrael felt when they left Yam Suf
  • How Bnei Yisrael felt when they arrived at Marah
  • Why it was important for Bnei Yisrael to be tested at Marah
  • Why it was important for Bnei Yisrael to be given mitzvot at Marah
  • The biblical significance of the numbers 12 and 70 as reflected in the bounty of Elim
  • The significance of the Manna 

Number of lessons: 20
Detailed Lesson Plans: A detailed lesson plan list is coming soon
Sample Lesson:

We are excited to present a sample of the first lesson in Chumash Shemot. You can progress through the lesson to get a sense of how we present and organize Kitah materials. To access the sample lesson click here.

Mishnah Berachot Sample Lesson

Below you’ll find a sample of the first lesson in the Mishnah Berachot course.

Lesson 1: Chapter 1 Mishnah 1 Lesson 1: Why Do we Recite Shema at Night?

Understanding the first chapter of Shema is the key to explaining why we recite Shema at all, and why specifically at night.

Mishnah Berachot Course Description

Course Description: Meet the Mishnah – Masechet Berachot

Course Name: Meet the Mishnah – Masechet Berachot
Course Teacher: Rabbi Reuven Spolter
Course Details: Mishnah Masechet Berachot Chapters 1 and 2
For Grades: 5-8

The student will learn the following skills during this course: 

  • Text reading and comprehension
  • Basic Mishnah vocabulary and terms
  • Identifying key words to help map out the Mishnah
  • Understanding the structure of the Mishnah
  • Identifying and explaining arguments in the Mishnah
  • Creating a chart to map positions in the Mishnah

The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge

  • The meaning of key phrases and verses in the Shema
  • How to calculate a halachic day
  • The structure of Shacharit and Arvit
  • Halachic concepts including לכתחילה and בדיעבד, העוסק במצוה פטור מן המצוה, מצוות צריכות כוונה

The student will understand:

  • The structure of the chapters of Shema, 
  • Why we recite each chapter of Shema each morning and evening
  • Different categories of blessings (long, short, etc)
  • The nature and significance of כוונה with regard to mitzvot 

Number of lessons: 20

Course Description: For a complete course curriculum, click here

Sample Lesson:

We are excited to present a sample lesson from Mishnah Berachot. You can progress through the lesson to get a sense of how we present and organize Kitah materials. To access the sample lesson click here.