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All the Kitah staff are experienced educators and parents! This is a crucial element in the success of our online Jewish school. If your family has chosen to send your children to public school, to educate them at home, or if you live too far from a Jewish day school, this online Jewish school program is for you.

Rabbi Reuven Spolter, Founder and Educator

Rabbi Reuven Spolter has taught formally and online for over two decades. Before his aliyah, he taught middle school Judaic studies in the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy in Livingston, NJ, high school Judaic studies at the Hebrew High School of New England in West Hartford, CT, as well as at the Akiva Hebrew Day School in Southfield, MI. He is also the founder of the Mishnah Project, an online flipped-classroom learning initiative focusing on using the power of visual learning to bring the Mishnah Yomit program to a global audience.

A graduate of Yeshiva University with an MA in Secondary Jewish Education from the Azrieli Graduate School for Jewish Education and Administration and Rabbinic Ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchonon Theological Seminary, both at Yeshiva University. He has taught and lectured to groups of all ages in communities around the world. He is recently earned a Masters of Arts Degree in Talmud from Bar Ilan University. Rabbi Spolter is also the director of English-language programming at Herzog Global, a division of Herzog College in Israel.

Contact Rabbi Spolter

Sarah Golubtchik, Educator

Sarah Golubtchik is a passionate educator who is dedicated to creatively engaging students of all ages. Sarah has worked as a classroom teacher and administrator, and currently supports teachers through coaching and the development of curricular materials. She holds a M.S. Ed. from Yeshiva University, a B.A. from Barnard College, and is a graduate of the Morot L’Halacha program at Matan HaSharon.

Rabbi Johnny Solomon, Educator

Rav Johnny Solomon is a British-born Jewish educator, scholar and writer with a BSc in Math & Religious Studies, an MA (Distinction) in Jewish Education, and Semicha (rabbinical ordination) from the Montefiore Kollel (London). While in London, Rav Johnny held numerous senior positions in Jewish education including Head of Judaic Studies at Immanuel College, Deputy Head of Naima JPS, Chumash Curriculum Developer at the JCP, and Head of Judaic Studies at Hasmonean High School for Girls.

Rav Johnny is a leading expert in curriculum development for Judaic Studies, and he has written content for numerous schools and organisations including: The Hebrew High School for New England (US), Immanuel College (UK), Pajes (UK), The King David School (South Africa), Jewish Interactive (Global), The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning (Global), The Zehud Online School (Europe).

In 2012 Rav Johnny moved to Israel with his family where he divides his time between teaching Tanach, Halacha & Jewish Philosophy at Matan, Midreshet Lindenbaum & Machon Ma’ayan, and working as an independent Jewish Educational Consultant. Today Rabbi Johnny is the Chief Learning Officer at WebYeshiva and offers personal consultations as the Virtual Rabbi.

Adina Blaustein, Educator

Adina Blaustein taught Judaic Studies and led the Tanakh Department at the Fuchs Mizrachi Stark High School. In addition to her years of expertise in Jewish day schools, she is a gifted adult educator, lecturing most frequently for the Community Beit Midrash at Fuchs Mizrachi and for Siegel Lifelong Learning, a division of Case Western. Adina won the first place Kohelet Prize for her innovative work in mastery of Tanakh skills in 2018.  Adina has graduate degrees in Bible and Adolescent English Education and was certified by Nishmat in 2019 to be a Yoetzet Halacha. Adina is currently the Content Team Director at AlephBeta.

Ariella Nadel, Educator

Ariella Nadel has been a TaNakh teacher and community educator for the past twenty-five years.  Until making Aliya two years ago, she was a TaNakh teacher at Yeshivat Akiva/Farber Hebrew Day School in Southfield, Michigan where she also served as Guidance counselor, Mechanechet and experiential educator.  Ariella loves bringing the stories of TaNakh to life and exploring their timeless relevance. She currently teaches in seminaries and is an educational resource curator for UnitEd. Ariella Nadel has a pedagogue degree from Michlala College for Women in Bayit V’Gan and holds degrees in Judaic Studies and Political Science from Yeshiva University and a law degree from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.