Course Description: Courage and Kindness in Megillat Rut

Course Name: Courage and Kindness in Megillat Rut
Course Teacher: Mrs. Adina Blaustein
Course Details: Sefer Rut
Chapters & Verses: Chapters 1-4
Number of lessons: 20
For Grades: 6-8
General Course Description: In this course, students will learn Megillat Rut. The study will be focused around the following essential question: What is the true meaning of Chesed?
Students will learn about the protagonists through this lens, understanding that Ruth, Boaz and Naomi are heroic in their embodiment of this trait. Students will grow more comfortable reading text in the original Hebrew and using text to support key ideas.
The student will learn the following skills during this course:
- Text reading and comprehension
- Identification of key shorashim and their translations
- Differentiation between דיבור ישיר (words spoken by characters) and narrative
- Quoting from the text to support themes and opinions
The student will learn the following Judaic knowledge:
- Plot and themes of Megillat Rut
- Connection between Megillat Rut and other books in Tanach
The student will understand:
- The connection between Chesed and heroism
- How to apply the themes of Rut to his/her day-to-day life, and what it means to truly perform an act of Chesed
Detailed Lesson Plans: A detailed lesson plan list is coming soon
Sample Lesson:
We are excited to present a sample of the first lesson in Megillat Rut. You can progress through the lesson to get a sense of how we present and organize Kitah materials. To access the sample lesson click here.